Fishing Adventures On A Budget: Boat Rental Services

Recreation & Sports Blog

Whether you're taking a trip down to the Florida Keys or going on an expedition to the Boundary Waters in Northern Minnesota, exploring prime fishing country might give your vacation a purpose and function. Although taking a trip to prime fishing country might be on the top of your list, dragging your boat might not be the best decision for your bottom line.

Here are some ways to take the fishing adventure of a lifetime on a budget on a rented boat.

Efficient Travel

Hauling your boat constrains your traveling options. Leaving your boat in your garage can free up your traveling options.

  1. Cheap Flights: You can score the cheapest flights by avoiding prime travel days and times. Generally, Fridays and Sundays are the most expensive days to travel. Additionally, departure and/or arrival times between 9 AM and 5 PM are also the most popular and expensive. Because you won't be towing your boat, you can effectively save yourself time, which should open up your travel dates. Try searching for a 2- to 3-day travel window for your departure and/or arrival dates.
  2. Drive a Little: You can also save some money expanding your arrival and/or departure cities. For instance, if you're fishing down in the Keys, try airports in Miami and Fort Lauderdale. Since you aren't towing your boat and will need to rent a car regardless, you should seek out the cheapest travel departure and arrival locations.

Mail Your Gear

Although many boat rental outfitters also rent fishing gear, you might be able to save money by mailing your gear to and from your fishing adventure. Most outfitters will allow you to mail your fishing equipment to the boat rental location.

Consult the Experts

When renting a boat for a fishing adventure in a new location, you want to minimize the time you spend figuring out the new waters.

  1. Book a Guide: If you have the time, book a day with a fishing guide. This local expert will show you exactly where and how to catch the fish you're looking for. After experiencing their firsthand knowledge, you can use your rented boat to hit the same locations, with the same techniques, without having to pay the fishing guide.
  2. Local Bait Shops: Another great resource when renting a fishing boat is the local bait shop. These locals get fishing reports from their customers every day. Making a simple phone call can give you more information than you're likely to get by any other method.

For more helpful information, reach out to boat rental services.


21 October 2019

Zip It Up: Zip Line Jumping 101

The very first time I put on the harness for a zip line excursion, it was a life-changing moment. As I took the leap of faith and watched the world pass beneath me, I was awestruck. I knew right away that it wouldn't be the last time. I have spent my free time since then studying different zip line methods and locations to see what other experiences I might be able to enjoy. I created this site to show other zip line enthusiasts, and those curious but not yet experienced, to learn what I have about the options out there. I hope that the information here encourages you to get out there and give it a shot.