Evaluate These Things When You Shop For A Fishing Reel


If you're getting serious about your hobby of fishing, there's a good chance that you'll want to increase the amount of gear that you have. You'll never regret having more rods, reels, and tackle, so consider a visit to your local fishing retailer to find the products that you need. If a new reel is on your shopping list, you'll have a broad selection of reels to evaluate in your quest to find the right one. You might feel loyal to one particular brand, but it doesn't hurt to handle a number of different manufacturers' reels to see how they feel. Here are some particular points to evaluate as you shop for a new reel.

Ease And Smoothness

Turn the handle of the reel in your hand and notice how easily and smoothly it spins. Low-end reels are often stiff and may be difficult to spin, while a well-built product will spin with ease. You don't want to be fighting your reel when you're busy fighting to get a fish to the side of your boat, so a product that spins with minimal effort will be ideal. You'll also want to notice the sound that the reel makes as you spin it. Budget reels can make sounds during use, but those that are built well should operate silently.

Grip Comfort

As your fingers hold the handle of the reel, notice how it feels. When you're focusing on reeling in a fish, you don't want to have to worry about the handle of the reel slipping out from between your fingers. A handle that has a textured surface will allow you to hang onto it with ease — even if it's wet. Similarly, it's ideal if there's a slight degree of softness in this part of the reel. For example, the handle might be coated in a rubbery material that further helps you to grip it without hurting your fingers.

Weight Balance

There's no harm in taking one of your fishing rods to the store — or finding a rod comparable to yours that is on display — and mounting some reels to it. Doing so will give you an idea of how the reel feels on the rod, which is integral to thoroughly evaluating it. One thing that you'll want to notice is how the weight balance feels. For example, some reels can feel too heavy for some rods, which can make for an awkward fishing experience. You also want to feel as though the weight distribution is correct, rather than feeling too heavy toward the end of the rod.

Contact a company like Wilcox Bait & Tackle for more information on buying fishing equipment.


21 December 2019

Zip It Up: Zip Line Jumping 101

The very first time I put on the harness for a zip line excursion, it was a life-changing moment. As I took the leap of faith and watched the world pass beneath me, I was awestruck. I knew right away that it wouldn't be the last time. I have spent my free time since then studying different zip line methods and locations to see what other experiences I might be able to enjoy. I created this site to show other zip line enthusiasts, and those curious but not yet experienced, to learn what I have about the options out there. I hope that the information here encourages you to get out there and give it a shot.