Catfish Fishing Strategies

Recreation & Sports Blog

Catfish lack scales and most varieties are noted for their barbell-like facial feature, which resembles a cat's whiskers. Catfish are nocturnal creatures and can be quite evasive when it comes to being lured by certain types of bait. If you are a fairly new angler who would like to get started in catching catfish that can be used in stews and other homemade dishes, the type of bait that you use may go a long way in how successful you are with your endeavors.

Live Bait Will Work Best

Catfish will be attracted to small feeder fish that are moving about in the water, since the natural movements of fish will mimic what a catfish would encounter in the real world, without a fisherman involved. Purchase live bait from a tackle shop. The bait that you purchase should encompass several feeder fish varieties, each with distinct sizes, colors, and movements. Smaller catfish may be attracted to smaller bait fish and larger ones may be intrigued by a more prominent fish variety that flounders around a bit in the water.

Any bait that you purchase will need to be cared for, prior to and during your fishing excursion. Plan on purchasing varieties of fish that typically cohabitate and buy a small aquarium to keep the feeder fish in. On the day of your fishing trip, a chest that is filled with fresh water will be suitable for housing the bait, prior to and during the fishing excursion.

When you go fishing, bring a certain amount of feeder fish along with you and leave the other ones in the aquarium. At the end of your fishing trip, transport any remaining fish home with you and deposit them into the aquarium.

Different Alternatives Can Assist

Catfish, just like other fish types, are attracted to blood. It may seem inhumane to use a feeder fish in a slightly altered manner, but think about what your main objective is and what the end result for a feeder fish will be, regardless. If you make a slight cut along one of the fins of a feeder fish, blood that is emitted will attract catfish and it may attract them quicker than if you were going to bait the fish in an intact manner.

If you choose to use this method, refrain from cutting a fin, until right before you are ready to cast your line. You can also use deceased bait, which consists of feeder fish that have died. If you choose this method, secure each dead fish to your line. Bend a deceased bait fish' body slightly, so that it resembles an arc. A catfish may be more apt at believing a dead fish is alive if it possesses an arced body shape that is reminiscent of the body of a fish that is alive.

For more information, reach out to a company like Catfish Pro.


28 April 2020

Zip It Up: Zip Line Jumping 101

The very first time I put on the harness for a zip line excursion, it was a life-changing moment. As I took the leap of faith and watched the world pass beneath me, I was awestruck. I knew right away that it wouldn't be the last time. I have spent my free time since then studying different zip line methods and locations to see what other experiences I might be able to enjoy. I created this site to show other zip line enthusiasts, and those curious but not yet experienced, to learn what I have about the options out there. I hope that the information here encourages you to get out there and give it a shot.