Benefits Of Buying A Collapsible Kayak Paddle

Recreation & Sports Blog

When you shop for a kayak paddle, you'll find paddles that are made of different materials and that are available in different sizes. One style that you'll often come across is a collapsible paddle. While the exact design can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, this type of paddle generally has a telescoping shaft that allows you to press a tab and either shorten or extend the paddle.

While there are a number of things to think about when you shop, a collapsible paddle is often smart to buy for a number of reasons. Here are three benefits of purchasing a paddle with this feature.

You Can Store It Easily

A significant benefit of buying a collapsible kayak paddle is that it will be easy and convenient for you to store. Full-length paddles are long, which can provide some storage challenges. For example, if you wish to keep your paddle on a rack on the wall of your garage, it will take up a fair amount of space when it's fully extended. When you're able to collapse the paddle to significantly reduce its length, storage is easy.

The same is true when you're transporting the paddle to wherever you'll be kayaking. While you'll probably carry the kayak on roof racks, the paddle will go inside of your vehicle. If you have a smaller vehicle, you'll especially appreciate collapsing the paddle to make it more compact.

You Can Adjust It To Your Preferred Length

When you go kayaking, it's important that you use a paddle that is suitable for your height and your preferred paddling style. A paddle that is too short or too long can be challenging to operate — and can often tire your arms and shoulders out prematurely. When you can adjust your paddle so that it's the perfect length for you, you'll be able to paddle in comfort.

You Can Share It With Others

It can be fun to get your family members into kayaking, especially if you live on the water and it's convenient for anyone to take your kayak for a short outing. When you buy a collapsible paddle, multiple family members of different heights will be able to use it. Conversely, if you were to buy a non-collapsible paddle, it might be too long for your children — requiring you to buy smaller paddles for them. The collapsible design can, thus, save you money, as you won't need to buy as many paddles.

For additional tips on which kayak paddle to buy, reach out to a recreation store near you.


10 August 2020

Zip It Up: Zip Line Jumping 101

The very first time I put on the harness for a zip line excursion, it was a life-changing moment. As I took the leap of faith and watched the world pass beneath me, I was awestruck. I knew right away that it wouldn't be the last time. I have spent my free time since then studying different zip line methods and locations to see what other experiences I might be able to enjoy. I created this site to show other zip line enthusiasts, and those curious but not yet experienced, to learn what I have about the options out there. I hope that the information here encourages you to get out there and give it a shot.