Why Fall Is A Great Time To Head To Your Local Boat Dealership

Recreation & Sports Blog

When you think about heading out on the water in your very own boat, you might envision doing it on a hot and sunny day in the middle of summer. But the end of summer does not mean the end of the boating season. Depending on where you live, the temperature outside might still be plenty warm enough to enjoy a day out on the lake or river. In fact, as long as the water isn't freezing, sometimes it can be interesting to even head out when the temperature does get a little colder. Here's why you should head to your local boat dealership to finally get the boat of your dreams this fall instead of waiting until next spring or summer.

Fall Is a Great Time for Deals

Most boat dealers do a brisk business in the spring or summertime when it's prime boating season. This means that when fall arrives, those same dealers might get creative in order to keep business going at the same pace. Fall usually brings with it the arrival of great promotions or sales at many boat dealers. If you wait until the fall to buy, you might be able to get a great boat at a discount. Even if you don't plan on doing any boating until next spring or summer, it might be financially worth it to buy the boat in the fall and then just place it into storage until the weather warms up again.

You Won't Feel Rushed

One downside to buying a boat during prime boating season is that you might feel pressured to buy if a boat you like is available but you aren't 100 percent sure yet. Walk away from the dealership during prime boating season and your dream boat might get sold to someone else by the time you come back. Of course, there's no guarantee this won't happen in the fall as well, but the fall tends to see fewer people buying boats, so you hopefully won't feel as pressured or worried if you decide to take your time on making a buying decision.

Fall Is a Great Time for Boating With a View

If you live in an area with lots of trees that change colors, imagine taking your family out on a new boat and admiring the foliage on all sides as you wind down the river. Fall is also the start of football season and many professional stadiums are located with bodies of water nearby. Having a boat during the early part of football season could allow you to tailgate in style before heading over to the game.


21 September 2020

Zip It Up: Zip Line Jumping 101

The very first time I put on the harness for a zip line excursion, it was a life-changing moment. As I took the leap of faith and watched the world pass beneath me, I was awestruck. I knew right away that it wouldn't be the last time. I have spent my free time since then studying different zip line methods and locations to see what other experiences I might be able to enjoy. I created this site to show other zip line enthusiasts, and those curious but not yet experienced, to learn what I have about the options out there. I hope that the information here encourages you to get out there and give it a shot.